Blog Traffic Guide Worth Reading

I stumbled upon John Robinson’s site,, and downloaded his free guide titled “Blog Traffic Made Easy.” It is a very informative read and I immediately implemented many of his tips on my own blogs. Particularly the WordPress plug-ins that he recommends. I also plan on implementing his tips on promotion (chapter 3) and encouraging linking (chapter 5).

What is even more interesting about John is that he isn’t using any ad networks or affiliate marketing to monetize his blog.

His guide is also a very good example of viral marketing. I recommend it for anyone who is looking to increase traffic to their blogs. Even if you have a study stream and want an extra boost, you may discover a new technique that you haven’t been utilizing.

You can download the guide below:

Blog Traffic Made Easy

3 thoughts on “Blog Traffic Guide Worth Reading”

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    You’re off to a good start- by the avatars on the right hand column, it looks as though you have some good traffic coming here.

    *I’m subscribed.

    • Thank you John for writing such a helpful article. I am looking forward to seeing future results from implementing your ideas. Thanks for adding me to your list!

  2. I’m glad I found that free pdf, thanks for posting it. This blog is a great resource. Let us know what works for you!


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